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Article code 2301064-Subgrubs-1
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Our bloodworm liquid consists of, among other things, whole and pureed bloodworms. Bloodworms are remarkable creatures. Carp can detect these red midge larvae from meters away, due to the substance the bloodworms release. Read more
Liquid booster bloodworm
Our bloodworm liquid consists of, among other things, whole and pureed bloodworms. Bloodworms are remarkable creatures. Carp can detect these red midge larvae from meters away, due to the substance the bloodworms release.
Article code 2301063-Subgrubs-1
in stock
A liquid packed with essential amino acids. Our liquid contains both pureed and whole shrimp. Read more
Liquid Booster: Krill & Squid
A liquid packed with essential amino acids. Our liquid contains both pureed and whole shrimp.
in stock
Monkey Climber Magazine X Forgotten Flavours sticking together again! These Belgian boys with a big love for oldschool carping mixed with some modern touches are knwo for teaming up and sharing knowledge. Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Monkey Climber x FF Acid P hookbait spray
Monkey Climber Magazine X Forgotten Flavours sticking together again! These Belgian boys with a big love for oldschool carping mixed with some modern touches are knwo for teaming up and sharing knowledge.
Article code 2300952-Gardner-3
in stock
The new liquid additives from a renowned flavour house in the UK that brought Choc B and Bun Spice to the angling market. Read more
Gardner Tackle
Ooze Cloud
The new liquid additives from a renowned flavour house in the UK that brought Choc B and Bun Spice to the angling market.
Article code 2300951-Gardner-1
in stock
The new liquid additives from a renowned flavour house in the UK that brought Choc B and Bun Spice to the angling market. Read more
Gardner Tackle
Ooze Ultra Flavour
The new liquid additives from a renowned flavour house in the UK that brought Choc B and Bun Spice to the angling market.
Article code 2300920-FF-1
in stock
Monkey Climber and Forgotten Flavours have been working at bringing back a specific flavour range with only the most popular and best attractors which just aren't available anymore. Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Underground Flavour Range
Monkey Climber and Forgotten Flavours have been working at bringing back a specific flavour range with only the most popular and best attractors which just aren't available anymore.
Article code 2300900-FF-1
in stock
Over the years carp fishing pop-ups have been made, I think it's quite clear, Banana (and specifically the ester that makes up many Banana flavours) has been widely used with often extremely good success. Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Banana Crème hookbait spray
Over the years carp fishing pop-ups have been made, I think it's quite clear, Banana (and specifically the ester that makes up many Banana flavours) has been widely used with often extremely good success.
Article code 2300898-FF-1
in stock
Going back years, I remember a time where Garlic, fishmeals, Robin Red and Scopex flavour(s) took over the boilie industry over here in Belgium. Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Garlic and Cheese hookbait spray
Going back years, I remember a time where Garlic, fishmeals, Robin Red and Scopex flavour(s) took over the boilie industry over here in Belgium.
Article code 2300628-PVAHydrospol-3
in stock
With the ghost spray from PVA Hydrospol, it is possible to give your PVA a flavour without affecting the performance of your PVA. Read more
PVA Hydrospol
Ghost spray
With the ghost spray from PVA Hydrospol, it is possible to give your PVA a flavour without affecting the performance of your PVA.
Article code 2300527-MonkeyClimber-1
in stock
Thanks to the popularity of our hook baits, many of you continue to ask us about the liquids we use, either to further harden your hook baits or to make more pop ups yourself or to have matching corkballs, wafters, etc. Read more
Monkey Climber
Secret Stash Hookbait juice
Thanks to the popularity of our hook baits, many of you continue to ask us about the liquids we use, either to further harden your hook baits or to make more pop ups yourself or to have matching corkballs, wafters, etc.
Article code 2300224-FF-1
in stock
Ice cream: if you've been lucky enough to experience the FW Dynamite Milk & Icecream pop-ups of yesteryear, Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Ice cream Hook bait spray
Ice cream: if you've been lucky enough to experience the FW Dynamite Milk & Icecream pop-ups of yesteryear,
Article code 2300222-FF-1
in stock
Monster crab: a natural crab attractor that has proven itself for many years. However, we have added natural crab to give the hook bait extra flavor and aroma. If you are a lover of salty fish flavors then this is the hook bait for you. Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Monster crab Hookbait spray
Monster crab: a natural crab attractor that has proven itself for many years. However, we have added natural crab to give the hook bait extra flavor and aroma. If you are a lover of salty fish flavors then this is the hook bait for you.
Article code 2300220-FF-1
in stock
Fizz Bizz: If you are familiar with our products from the beginning, this name may ring a bell Read more
Forgotten Flavours
FizzBizz Hookbait spray
Fizz Bizz: If you are familiar with our products from the beginning, this name may ring a bell
Article code 2300218-FF-1
out of stock
Mulberry: Well, what we think will be the headliner of the Shop range, Mulberry Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Mulberry Hookbait spray
Mulberry: Well, what we think will be the headliner of the Shop range, Mulberry
Article code 2300216-FF-1
in stock
Squid Octo: A spin-off of our original Squid pop-ups that we do. Slightly livelier and with extra added Thymol, Linalool, & Thrimethylamine, this squid flavor is as pungent as it gets. Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Squid Octo hookbait spray
Squid Octo: A spin-off of our original Squid pop-ups that we do. Slightly livelier and with extra added Thymol, Linalool, & Thrimethylamine, this squid flavor is as pungent as it gets.
Article code 2300165-FF-1
in stock
Forgotten Favorite Flavors from Forgotten Flavours, boost your hook bait with the different flavors in the range. Read more
Forgotten Flavours
Favourite Flavours
Forgotten Favorite Flavors from Forgotten Flavours, boost your hook bait with the different flavors in the range.