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Powapacs Atom

31 Oct 2023
by Chantal Musch

The powapacs atom pro is a lightweight power bank with just that little bit extra that ensures you can go completely off grid.

We have been selling the Atom since 2018, but have also been using it for just as long. Where in the beginning we were still lugging around a large battery, we quickly swapped it for Powapacs' first series Atom. A lithium power bank with 78000 MaH.

From the start, the Atom has been a faithful companion on our trips to the waterfront, but it can also come in handy in and around the house. Where you don't have an electricity connection.

We ourselves are not big consumers of electricity on the waterfront and in the beginning our charging was limited to the standard items that every angler carries with him or her. Phones, lights, radio, you name it. Obviously not big power guzzlers and we certainly didn't manage to empty the atom with 2 people in a week.

Eventually, of course, you have to look at what the Atom can really do and we started charging heavier things, think of feed boat batteries, laptop and miraculously also our lithium battery for the rowing boat. in the end, of course, you then have to understand that the Atom empties faster than normally. Certainly the boat battery, drained the Atom in half a day. At least to provide enough power to go out a few more times.

Powapacs has also come up with something on that. Besides the car charger, they also have a solar panel you can buy with it. The Atom can be fully charged in half a day (with full sun). So you always have power at hand. You can also charge the Atom during the colder and wetter periods. As soon as the sun shines, just put it on the charger.

The Atom is also equipped with a plug connection with 230-volt capability, so where you take a product to the waterfront that does not have USB charging capability, you can use the plug, even without conversion, to charge your products.

We ourselves have used it with a citronella plug to keep mosquitoes away from the bivvy, this works very well. The Atom does consume more power this way of use than just with the many USB connections on it, but certainly with a mosquito plug this is negligible.

However, on the 230-volt charging mode, the Atom will make more noise because the internal fan is activated earlier.

Of course, you have to take into account that the atom can run a certain amount of power. It can power heavier appliances such as a fridge, but only for about two hours with a full atom. When you do try to use something heavy on the atom. Think of products that use more than 150 watts.

Dan zit er er een beveiliging op die ervoor zorgt dat de atom uitschakelt. En niet doorbrandt, wel zo veilig. Daarnaast is het veilig om de atom s'nachts te gebruiken om te zorgen dat je hoofdlampje bijvoorbeeld na intensief gebruik vol blijft.

Maar een waarschuwing is natuurlijk wel nodig, laat de atom nooit onbeheerd achter en zorg dat hij voldoende ventilatie mogelijkheden heeft. Het blijft tenslotte een batterij. Wijzelf hebben hier nooit een issue mee gehad, maar better safe than sorry! 

Sinds 2018 heeft powapacs ook een aantal veranderingen doorgevoerd aan de atom serie en zijn ze gaan uitbreiden naar de atom pro en atom pro 96000.

De eerste generatie atoms was helaas niet bestand tegen de vele veranderingen en laadaanpassingen op het gebied van smart phones. Door de fast charge mogelijkheden van, voornamelijk samsung, kon de eerste serie atoms deze niet meer voldoende laden en duurde het meer dan een dag om je galaxy op te laden. Dit hebben ze met de Atom pro getackeld en ook de atom pro 96000 kan nu alles laden. 

inmiddels hebben wij zelf onze eerste trouwe powerbank vervangen voor de pro series, omdat het voor ons niet te doen was om aan de waterkant de telefoons te laden. De pro is daarin toch beter dan zijn voorganger. 

We are not going to name the technical data of the atom here, we have all noted them in the product information. These are available via the following links.

Atom pro

Atom pro 96000

Solar panel


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